12th April 2014
I haven’t posted anything here, I haven’t updated any of my projects and I have been “dead” at Google+/Twitter in a while. I got a reason, or two maybe three but first some things I have done.
Redesigned this blog
- New Background
- New Color Scheme
- WebKit Scrollbar Styling
- Improved Map On The Landing Page
- Support For Embeded Maps/YouTube
I still need some more creative for the blog header, looking weird right now, I need to replace the social buttons(for speed) and design, the Google+ one is really slow and I need to write some script to make sure that Disqus is only loading when used(speed and the fact that all discussions ends up on Twitter and Google+).
Updated App Ground
Not any major changes(no needs for it) but changed to Normalize.css version 3 and there is on “and” ;-)
So I need to have some reasons for nearly none commits to Github in about two weeks?
School, boring but interesting, physics is fun, math is also fun, the rest is just boring, I’m quite sure that I have the grades I need but now I end up working to improve them anyway. My old thought “Why work for grades I don’t need?” I seams to forgot about.
Orienteering, the best thing ever invented is back after a not so long winter, I’m not allowed to run everything I would like to,for example I’m not running in the league for now, but still all the traveling takes time and my weekends will be occupied until next winter ;-)
My not so secret project, the thing that takes most time from my open source/data is a web service I’m working on, some people reading this can probably guess what it’s all about, when I decides to tell everyone what it’s I will explain it and my intentions. It’s nothing that doesn’t exists, probably it won’t be public, because I won’t be available to cover the server costs and I have no intends to make any profit. It’s all about learning as always ;-)
22nd March 2014
This blog post is outdated.
In January Google relaunched The Google Maps Embed API, I haven’t been using Google Maps for over a year nut I needed to try this out. Google says “There are no usage limits for the Maps Embed API.” but that isn’t true, the limit is “2,000,000 requests/day” so please keep reloading this page. You can’t use your own data or maps with the API, so if you would like to show a place on the map you need to add it through Google Maps. Google probably hopes that this will improve their own place/business data. Google got a great tool for creating these maps. Note that you need a API key.
Basic Map:
Basic Map(Satellite):
Place Map:
Search Map(museums near Stockholm):
Directions Map:
That bus line is really weird and does not exist.
20th March 2014
Two days ago Unity announced the new version of their multi-platform game engine Unity 5, it feels like it was just some months ago they announced Unity 4.
Unity 5 got tons of new features but the best(from my perspective) is that the games will run in web browser without the Unity plugin, thanks to WebGL and asm.js. Right now asm.js only works in Firefox but now when both Unreal Engine 4 and Unity 5 will use it in their engines, will probably Chrome and IE support it too by the end of the year.
In the trailer Unity and Mozilla showoff the popular game Dead trigger.
The full announced from Mozilla/Unity
15th March 2014
All weeks comes to an end, some of them are great weeks the rest is greater weeks. This week has been interesting, I have been working on one of my two major(secret) projects and my head is full of new ideas(as always). Last week I wrote about my unsuccessful Milky Way project, before I created it I did play around a bit with Three.js just to try it out.
Inside Equirectangular Earth is a project built with the thought that a 360 degrees panorama(360x360) image is a equirectangular image just as the most common maps of earth. Showing off the earth is about rendering the equirectangular image on a sphere, showing off a panorama is about rendering th equirectangular image inside it.
So just because I like weird perspectives and needed to test Three.js and some plugins I did render the earth inside a sphere, can watch this for many minutes in a row. Zooming and dragging is supported too.
Source at Github