16th January 2014
This is just a major test for markdown, Jekyll excerpt and code highlighting.
The code highlightning example has been removed :-(
test case
test case
test case
Test test test [test][1] test test
- hello
- hello2
html {
font: 14px/1.4 Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
color: #333;
-webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%;
-ms-text-size-adjust: 100%;
[1]: abbe98.github.io
15th January 2014
Every day we spend time, most of the time I do something useful, but I spend hours doing “nothing” in school and on the bus. This blog looks pretty ugly right now, I it is not prioritized. I have tons of projects and I’m working on several open source projects… Today during the art class we were introduced to our next task, an image or something else that could represent you…
This blog represents me, and it’s in need of a redesign, so I did ask my teacher if I was allowed to work with vector graphic, typefaces and pictures. It took a minute to convince him but now I have one hour in three weeks to create my new landing page… It won’t take all that time so will have time to add some features to(or do some homeworks). So if this blog looks the same in three weeks it will hurt my grades ;-)
On friday I’m free from school so the tools for Facile will be available then and I will probably push App Ground 1.3.0 to the developer branch.
11th January 2014
When I took the development of facile Framework public, I was using it as a component when building websites and apps. I did never use the entire framework for a site or more than one color swatch. The major difference between Facile and other front end frameworks such as Twitter Bootstrap or Foundation was that Facile was no front end framework, it was a CSS framework and nothing more…
Before I go into the changes I have made to Facile, think if Bootstrap would have ten color swatches by default for every component? No there is no need for it.
Facile have many plugins for things like Google Maps, Youtube… they all have support for the color swatches.
Nowadays Facile framework is no longer a CSS framework it’s a CSS prototyping framework. Tons of components, ten color swatches and a couple of plugins. I can easily create a nice looking website in ten minutes with with Facile it won’t have great browser support but still…
In the coming week I will and the sub folder “Tools” to the master repo there you will see a tool that allows you to create custom color swatches, more tools will follow. The source written in LESS will be published when I have the time to write the documentation for it. The major addons will be available through the repo in the coming weeks.
For now I have replaced the existing grid system and dropped Normalize in favor of a custom solution.
I got a week of in about five weeks from now, maybe a stable version is meant to be available then? :-)
30th December 2013
Just some days ago a friend wrote to me about a 404 request in Internet Explorer 11 when he was pinning a app to the start screen on Windows 8.1. The app was built with App Ground…
In IE 10 on Windows 8 App Ground did handle pinning using the “msapplication” meta tags. See this.
That was how I dealt with it in App Ground until I looked into this 404 request, When clicking “pin site” in Windows 8.1 the meta tags was used, but at the same time IE sent a request after browserconfig.xml
. I search for it and found a issue over at HTML5boilerplates repo. The browserconfig.xml is a replacement for the meta tags, it’s not backwards compatible… The browserconfig.xml would save bandwidth for the user, because no meta tags is required(if browserconfig.xml is not located in your root you will still need a metatag) and its only loaded when a user actually pins a site.
For best result you would need four different images, that means four meta tags in IE 10(App Ground was just having one) but still none in IE 11. I decided to drop support for pinned sites in IE 10 and only support IE 11. Now App Ground is using all four images and saves some bandwidth.
Example use of browserconfig.xml can be seen in App Ground 1.2.1.
All my sources:
PS App Ground is not meant to have great browser support… DS