Albin Larsson: Blog

Culture, Climate, and Code

VirtualBox: Extending the Storage Size of a VM

2nd June 2017

I spend way to much time in a Virtual Machine, I always give them to little storage and I always find myself searching the web for a solution to increase the storage of a particular VM. This is my attempt to learn it for real once, or at least have all the information in the same place for future my needs.

Note: this solution only works for VDI/VHD files and before attempting this you should backup your VM.


The first of the tools to achieve larger storage is VBoxManage, you will find it in the root directory of your VirtualBox installation location.

Changing your VMs size to 80GB could be as simple as doing:

Did I say you should take a backup of your VM?

VBoxManage modifymedium /path/to/vm --resize 81920

If you are having a bad day and this just throws a error try replacing the path of the VM with its UUID. To list all your VMs and their UUIDs do:

VBoxManage list hdds

Now the VM got more logical storage assigned to it but this is usually not given to any existing partition. To resize your VM partitions you could use any of your favorite tools for the task.

I would suggest using GParted which is available on the installation ISO for Ubuntu. Just boot to it and select the “Try Ubuntu” option. Launching GParted is then as easy as $ gparted.

KSamsok-PHP 0.9

1st June 2017

I just took the time to release 0.9 of my KSamsok-PHP library and to update the documentation.

This release has breaking changes for those who extends the KSamsok class. This version brings increased speed and updated tests which are now connected to Travis. Also PHP type hints and modern array syntax is now in place.

Because of the major speed improvement this is a much recommended release. For those who are only using the existing methods and does not extend the core class no changes are needed. For everyone else, please note that the prepareUrl() and validResponse() methods has been removed. For more information see extending KSamsok-PHP and the breaking commit.

Weekend Hack: Custom Mapillary Leaderboards

31st May 2017

Update the API this tool used does not exist anymore therefor it’s broken.


Last weekend I found some time for some coding for fun and learning. I played around with the basics of the canvas API, a bit more of CSS and visual stuff then I usually do. I ended up creating a site that allows Mapillary users to create their own custom leaderboards by just searching for participants and set a optional time frame.

I got some additional ideas that I might take on if there is a interest once school is over:

Speaking of school once the holiday is here I plan to learn and play around a bit more then usual with quite new frontend technologies. I’m looking at learning things about Webassembly, Service/Web Workers, HTML context menu API, WebVR and a bunch of other things, give me tip if there is anything specific you think I should share and try.

Github Pages with Cloudflare for SSL support

31st March 2017

Update Github now supports SSL for custom domains.

One of the downsides with hosting this site on Github Pages has always been the lack of SSL support. From a SEO perspective it’s supposed to be important(I have no clue), it’s not a major thing for me people usually do not end up here after a Google search.

The main downside is that there is a bunch of cool (not so)modern web APIs such as Service Workers and Geo-location which does not work on insecure connections.

Cloudflare acts as a service between the users and the actual server, serving static content. This approach is perfect for Github Pages. This way content served through Cloudflare can be given a SSL certificate without the need for one between Github Pages and Cloudflare. This setup comes with a downside in the form of cache, because Cloudflare caches all content we do need to purge the cache when we make any changes to our site(such as this post). Github webhooks and the Cloudflare API is your friends.

Expecting a tutorial here? There is no need for one, I have never seen a better on boarding at any DNS provider. Create an account and enter you custom domain name, your DN-records will be imported and you will be assigned two name servers. Just a minor note, in the SSL settings you should select the “full” option and not the “flexible” one.

Now for even cooler demos :-)

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