Albin Larsson: Blog

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KSamsok PHP Advanced Usage

26th January 2016

This is the second part out of two introducing the KSamsok-PHP API library, the first part is KSamsök-PHP: the Basics.


When KSamsök-PHP does not have a method for a request you want to preform against the K-Samsök API extending KSamsök-PHP might be the solution. Extending KSamsök-PHP allows you to use KSamsök-PHP functions for formating URIs, validate responds, parsing and more, together with your own custom requests.

Extending the kSamsok class gives your new child class access to a set of protected methods useful to you.

customKSamsok extends kSamsok {
  // your custom methods

In the following example we will write a method for retrieving the first 250 photos of the media type image/jpeg, that has thumbnails based on a text-based search string. Note that KSamsök-PHP can only parse the presentation format so make sure you always append &recordSchema=presentation.

Preparing the URL

The prepareUrl() deals with encoding/whitespace in your URL and make sure it’s valid, always use it! Note that we access the API key with $this->key and the endpoint with $this->url.

customKSamok extends kSamsok {
  public function photoSearch($text) {
    $url = $this->url . 'x-api=' . $this->key . '&method=search&hitsPerPage=250&query=itemType="Foto"%20and%20text="' . $text . '"%20and%20mediaType="image/jpeg"%20and%20thumbnailExists=j&recordSchema=presentation'; // build the URL

    $url = $this->prepareUrl($url); // Fix possible encoding/whitespace issues

Validating the Response

validResponse() validates a response, returning false if the resource is inaccessible or broken.

customKSamok extends kSamsok {
    public function photoSearch($text) {
      $url = $this->url . 'x-api=' . $this->key . '&method=search&hitsPerPage=250&query=itemType="Foto"%20and%20text="' . $text . '"%20and%20mediaType="image/jpeg"%20and%20thumbnailExists=j&recordSchema=presentation'; // build the URL 

      $url = $this->prepareUrl($url); // Fix possible encoding/whitespace issues
     if (!$this->validResponse($urlQuery)) { // return false if record is inaccessible
       return false;

Parsing the Results

KSamsök-PHP parses each item(record) one by one as a SimpleXMLElement object using its parseRecord() method. Note the use of killXmlNamespace().

customKSamok extends kSamsok {
    public function photoSearch($text) {
      $url = $this->url . 'x-api=' . $this->key . '&method=search&hitsPerPage=250&query=itemType="Foto"%20and%20text="' . $text . '"%20and%20mediaType="image/jpeg"%20and%20thumbnailExists=j&recordSchema=presentation'; // build the URL 

      $url = $this->prepareUrl($url); // Fix possible encoding/withespace issues

     if (!$this->validResponse($urlQuery)) { // return false if recorce is inaccessible
       return false;

     $xml = file_get_contents($url); // get the resource contents
     $xml = $this->killXmlNamespace($xml); // bypass XML-Namespaces for the SimpleXMLElement class
     $xml = new SimpleXMLElement($xml); // create the SimpleXMLElement object

     $result[] = array(); // array container for the parsed items
     foreach ($xml->records->record as $item) { // loop through all the items
       $result[] = $this->parseRecord($item); // push parsed item to result array

     return $result;


Using your new method is now as easy as using any of the basic ones:

$kSamsok = new customKSamok('test');
$searchResultArray = $kSamsok->photoSearch('kyrka');

Now have fun and build something, checkout the Documentation and report any evil bugs at Github.

Previous posts about K-Samsök and heritage data:

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